Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Term 1 Plan -Statistical Inference As91264(2.9)-second topic

Use statistical methods to make an inference

There will be no pre-test for this topic as they would have already
done an assignment (Investigation) type of assessment for Statistics
last year for As1.10(Bivariate data) and As 1.11(Multivariate data).
I will explain the deadlines and expectations.
This is an investigation topic but the data is provided.
I will use PPDAC cycle and technology (google docs, SAMR model)
and NZ GRAPHER to draw graphs for this assignment.
I am going to use literacy strategy (Three level guide, vocab jumble) ,
PEE L structure chain to draw analysis and conclusion.
I will let the students do a practice assignment in class so
that they can use the same skills for the internal they will
do at home.  
As it is a huge jump from L1 to L2, I will focus on repetitive
practise of the PPDAC cycle so that students can achieve
merits and excellence.
I am going to offer Friday after school help.
I am going to provide online feedback for the assignment
for the practice test. I believe giving students comprehensive
feedback on the practice assignments will enable improvement

of a mark for the real assessment. I am going to use group activities
for the teaching of the writing element of this assessment
and then collate all the ideas in a class discussion.
E.g. Making a question, analysis (centre, unusual points,

spread, shift/overlap and shape,) conclusion.

At the end of the topic, they will do the internal at home and
I will compare these results with the practice assignments given
in class.
At the end of the topic, I am going to give the students a
(google form) with the following questions;
I really enjoy this unit/ I didn’t enjoy this unit
I found this useful/not useful

Monday, March 26, 2018

Reflection(co ordinate geometry)


The students finished Coordinate geometry first
internal. Three of them gained Excellence and
two of them gained merit. Thay said that they
found A/M questions straightforward but bit
more trouble with the contextual based Excellence
questions. They need to do more PEE chain
practise in order to maintain M/E level
throughout the year. I am planning to work on
contextual based questions throughout the year
in order to overccome this weakness.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


I found SOLO taxonomy useful to teach Co-ordinate geometry.

At a pre-structural level (NA) Students are expected to use
 less than two different co-ordinate geometry methods.

At an unistructural level (A) Students are expected to use
 at least two different co-ordinate geometry methods. 
Working must be shown and they need to indicate what
 the calculated answer represents.

Multistructural level (M) Relational thinking could be 
shown by the student making conclusions about the
 properties of trapezium ABCD or one shape within the
 trapezium, based on their gradient and length calculations. 
Working must be shown in context and a conclusion 
clearly stated (at least two methods).

Relational thinking (M+, E-) Extended abstract thinking
 could be shown by the student making further observations
 about the shapes formed by a line segment from M 
(M is a midpoint of AB)
(at least two methods).

Friday, March 23, 2018

Term1 Plan- Co ordinate geometry

As91027(2.1) Coordinate geometry (Internal)

I made the following planning decisions:
I began my lesson with a pre-test (gradient and equation of a linear graph).
      I used the results to guide my teaching approach.
This is a Coordinate geometry internal topic. Technology and resource
      sheets are permitted so I will familiarise the students with these with
       particular emphasis on using graphics calculator.
I will use technology (google docs) and demos to prepare my lessons.
I am going to apply literacy strategies, and PEE structure to draw
     conclusion for Merit and Excellence questions.
I have decided to use lots of repetitive practice on midpoints, distance
      between two points, gradient to improve their skills.
I have decided to spend more time with forming equations using two
    points, one point with gradient and contextual based questions in
      solving with triangle, quadrilaterals and other polygons.  
I am going to give out mini tests to improve their skills for Merit
      and Excellence questions.
Immediately after using these strategies, I am going to ask for their
  feedback. I hope their feedback will give me insight into how successful
  these approaches hAt the end of the topic
I am going to give the students a questionnaire
(google form) with the following questions;
I really enjoy this unit/ I didn’t enjoy this unit
found this useful/not useful

Wednesday, March 21, 2018




I want to lift academic achievement among students who identify with 
Maori ethnicity in my Year 12 MAC class. I will identify which of these
 students have a history of struggling with particular topics in previous 
years, mainly Year 11, to help improve their learning and for them to 
achieve at a similar level to the rest of the class.


I will use the student's academic records (data) from Year 11 (2017), to
 identify and work one on one with struggling Year 12 Mac Maori students
 so that they can gain endorsements (M/E) in Mathematics.  

 Before each topic begins I will identify (based on 2017 results) the previous
 achievement for the same topic/standard for each student, if possible.
 Sometimes the standard may not progress any further.
I will record the names of these students in my planner and meet with these 
students at least once a week to work one on one. This will take place in class
 time.   I will also encourage them to attend Friday afterschool help sessions.


Meeting one on one with each Year 12MAc student ( Maori descent) on the list
 at least once a week is manageable because I see my 12MAC class several times
 a week and I usually have independent work time where I can go around and work
 one on with individuals. 

 After each internal or end of the topic test for the externals, I will look at 
my classes results to see how my target students results compared with the 
rest of the class. 


This will be my inquiry focus for the whole year of 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Students' achievement data - NCEA results

I am looking at my 12MAC students' last year
NCEA achievement(External and internals)
 in assisting with planning  my lessons and
assessments. Link

Here is their achievement:

Monday, March 19, 2018

Know your learner

Mrs. David-12Mac class.   I chose 5 Maori students.

 The students’ names are:
  •  Student A
  •  Student B
  •  Student C 
  •  Student D
  •  Student E
 My Classes Ethnicity Link

Sunday, March 18, 2018

My Inquiry for 2018

In order to gain a Merit/ Excellence endorsement in Mathematics, they must gain at least 14 credits (in combination with at least one external).
Firstly I am going to concentrate on the internals, and then in the latter part of the year move my focus on to externals. Here is my action plan;
Year Planner: Google calender

Monday, March 12, 2018

Teaching as inquiry 2018

Raise Māori student achievement through the development of cultural 
visibility and responsive practices across the pathway as measured against 
agreed targets for reading Years 1-10 and NCEA years 11-13.

My Goal:
By end of the year(2018),
I will develop a classroom community that is focused on helping students develop their mathematical 
identities and proficiencies by building on their prior knowledge and experiences, using worthwhile
 mathematical tasks that will allow opportunities for students to make their thinking visible and to 
share their ideas using appropriate mathematical language.  

I am going to successfully apply  differentiated teaching, interactive activities,weekly study class, 
holiday programme  and technology for my year 12 MAC Maori (targeted students) class in order
to achieve my goal.

So that by end of the year, the Maori (targeted students) in my year 12 MAC class can experience 
success in their learning by getting Mathematics Merit and Excellence endorsements.

Manaiakalani Teaching as Inquiry Framework

Term 1

Personal Inquiry log 2018