Thursday, May 31, 2018

GO SOLO for As91259(2.4) Trigonometry

Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems.

Students will demonstrate competency in at least two different methods 
           Length of an arc of a circle,
           Area of a sector of a circle,   Sine rule, Cosine rule,
         Area of a triangle

Students will demonstrate competency in at least two different methods and 
use at least one type of relational thinking across their solutions. 
Solve problems and model situations that require them to apply 
trigonometric relationships, including the sine and cosine rules, 
in two and three dimensions
solves problems that can be modelled by trigonometric relationships
uses the area formula for triangles and the sine and cosine rules 
to  solve problems
uses radian measure
Students will demonstrate competency in at least two
different methods and use extended abstract thinking across 
their solutions and answer question
 fully relating to the problem.
Arc length and area of sector problems:
-semi-circular cross-section troughs
-security light coverage-radar overlapping areas

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Chunk,Chew,Check technique CCC

CHUNK = INPUT Students acquire new information 
in varied ways.
CHEW = PROCESSStudents make sense of new
information in varied ways.
CHECK = OUTPUT Students show what they have
learned in varied ways.

I found this technique useful for Trigonometry

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Term 2 Plan Trigonometry 2.4(AS91259-internal -3 credits)

Term2-Topic 1-Trigonometry-Apply trigonometric relationships 
in solving problems
Actions and Reflections

Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
·       Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems.
·       Apply trigonometric relationships, using relational thinking, in solving problems.
·       Apply trigonometric relationships, using extended abstract thinking, in solving problems.

I have been working my way through trigonometry (2.4) with my 12MAC class.
I have chosen 3 Maori students for my enquiry.
I began my lesson with a pre-test which I marked to use as a guide to my teaching
This is a topic where I am going to use the graphics calculator and resource sheet.
I am going to apply the Chunk, Chew, and Check strategy to teach this topic and send
online lessons. I will use this technique to work out the sides/angles, calculate circular
 shapes using sine rule, cosine rule.
 I have decided to spend more time devising a strategy to investigate or solve a problem,
 identifying relevant concepts in context, developing a chain of logical reasoning and
working backward with trig formulae. This will be useful for merit and excellence questions.
Immediately after using these strategies, I am going to ask for their feedback. I hope their
feedback will give me insight into how successful these approaches have been.
I am going to give them a practice test (herb gardens).
I have started after school support sessions on Thursdays and Fridays to give more one to
one support to students in order to improve their external results.
Also at the end of the topic, I am going to give the students a questionnaire with the following
I really enjoy this unit/ I didn’t enjoy this unit, I found this useful/not useful and comment

Sunday, May 6, 2018


As91264(2.9) Inference -

The students finished the Statistical Inference/ second internal and
Questionnaire. Two of them gained Excellence and one gained a merit.
They said that they found the achieved questions quite straightforward
but had a bit more trouble with the contextually based Excellence part.
They worked hard during class time and Friday after school to maintain
Their grade as well as time-bound. Also, I found the checkpoint very
useful in giving them feedback. The tick box helped me in terms of marking.

Here is the feedback:
They enjoyed the Calculus topic (previous) better than Statistics topic(this).
Therefore I am planning to replace this topic with Graph 2.2 (4credits) next